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Clientl�sung Serverl�sung
Clientl�sung Serverl�sung

Customer-specific Process Management

We understand process management as the identification, design, documentation, implementation, controlling and improvement of business processes. A more reasonable approach includes not only technical but also organizational and strategic aspects and regulates the involvement and leadership of the process participants.

eControl is a tool for implementing the objectives of process management.

The forms and checklists of eControl are a reflection of the individual processes of an airport.

Process analysis

Process management begins with a process analysis, during which the processes under consideration are deferred. It is the decision of the objectives - eg safety, quality and economy. Then should the measurement method or the key figures be determined (eg last suitcase on the luggage pickup conveyor belt 16 minutes after a widebody arrival).

Process Description

For the process participants now a briefly summary of the process description is needed so that they can reliably check whether the process is being executed as planned or if it shows deviations (target / actual comparison).

As part of the process description data protection needs to be considered.

With the process description it is clear what information can be provided by whom and when that organizational unit is responsible for a review and an analysis of the data.

The process description is usually stored in the document archive eControl.

Form or checklist creation with eControl

eControl provides a modular form design system to make any forms. The administrator is provided with a toolkit for ergonomic design, while taking care of privacy aspects at the same time.

Each form created in eControl can automatically generate a printable registration form if raw data collection cannot directly be achieved digitally.

Data acquisition with eControl

The user selects the desired form out of  the forms and checklist pool and then carries out the data collection directly into eControl. Numerous operator aids facilitate the user to ensure the correct application of the form and optimum data quality. Each post is documented in court-proof ways - it can always be detected, who changed what and when.

Reporting with eControl

The data collected in eControl form and checklist contents are merged on report generators for single departments or across the entire organizational structure.

The respective departments filter primarily based on the particular type of form that they are interested in, then the information it contains (Fence-check >> Security; damage A/C >> Safety) and can attach additional information if necessary.

Instead of handwritten forms or filling out a word processor or spreadsheet documents, data is collected directly in eControl.